Chalk Festival 2024
Platinum Sponsors
Make any size donation today, giving Orcutt Children's Arts Foundation the funds to support arts education excellence programs we all cherish. Thank you from each student whose life you have touched by providing them with arts education. To see more about this year's Arts Attack program click here.

As many of you know, the Orcutt Children’s Art Foundation (OCAF) is continuing to find new, creative, and adaptive ways to engage our elementary art students this year. We, like many of you, are trying to adapt to the times. Unfortunately, OCAF had to cancel one of our big community bonding events, the 2020 Chalk Art Festival. We are working tirelessly to remain viable and want to continue to give our children the opportunity to express their creativity and imaginations, and here's how you can help.
We are renewing our efforts for the 2020-2021 school year. While our mission remains the same, promoting visual and performing arts for our students our methods to achieve this have adapted. We are seeking to fully fund the Arts Attack Curriculum and Arts Attack Supplies for our K-6 students! We are asking for your support, with an investment starting at $10.00 that will assist OCAF in reaching our $10,000 goal to fully fund Arts Attack and provide resources to our student artists.
Help OCAF’s goal in continuing to give our students the opportunity to be creative and celebrate their great works of art. While we have to socially distance now, student artwork and community art brings us all together. Please be a part of our 2020-2021 school year goals and continue to support your child and their artistic journey.

Arts Attack funding at work
This artwork was created with love by students participating in weekly Arts Attack lessons.